Making History with T&T'S first Cultural Liming Games!

Doh Say Dat was launched at the Outlet Market's Christmas Festival at The Anchorage Beach Club on December 15th 2013 to rave reviews. As Trinidad & Tobago’s premiere liming game, Doh Say Dat was an instant market sensation as a best-seller across 52 retail outlets Nationwide.
Thousands of games were sold locally and thousands more within the diaspora to Trinis on almost every continent in the world! Doh Say Dat quickly became a natural product Ambassador for Trinidad & Tobago and was even endorsed by The Ministry of Tourism and The Ministry of Arts & Multiculturalism!
So why the great reception? Because finally we had games specifically designed and developed with us as a people in mind! It plays into our liming culture and speaks to our sensibilities that are so endearingly informed by our local People, Places, Things and Phrases.
"Doh Say Dat is a game for we. What that mean is that is a game in we own Trinidadian Creole language celebrating we own, unique culture, People, Places, Things & Phrases. Around the world we National language is known to be English, but we Nation Language is Trinidadian Creole (and we including Tobago Creole too eh!). Trinidadian Creole is a mix of all kind of thing, mostly English, but it have real plenty: African languages, Bhojpuri (from India), Cantonese and Hakka (from China), Spanish and French. Doh Say Dat go show all-you just how beautiful we Nation Language is and go teach all-you plenty about we culture too!"
The game proved to be a great addition to any lime (especially with the drinking rules!) and we gained fans far and wide. Today, we are getting ready to take the Doh Say Dat brand even further with more liming games!
In 2018 we launched Doh Say Dat MUSIC, the 2nd liming game in the Doh Say Dat Series and in 2021 we launched Doh Say Dat KIDS, with Doh Say Dat SPORT on the way to complete our Liming Games series.
For more info, join de lime at right here or keep up with us on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube @DohSayDatLimingGames!
***Doh Say Dat Liming Games and all associated brands are wholly owned by Doh Say Dat Entertainment (Trinidad) and Creative Ink Media (Ireland).
Creative Ink Media is a leading developer and manufacturer of cultural Liming Games and Nationalistic educational books.
Creative Ink Media currently operates out of Port of Spain (Trinidad) and Dublin (Ireland) and London (England) with a view to identifying markets for cultural commodities and gaining a competitive advantage in this type of novelty industry.